Funding is critical to move our work forward. As the only organization focused on supporting all Indigenous people in Idaho, we need your support for efforts like mutual aid, community gatherings, education, and advocacy. As a 501c3, your donations are tax deductible.
Community organizing is how we get things done, and we need all kinds of people to support our work. From moving items, to cooking fry bread, to supply distribution, we need community to come together to support our relatives and vision.
Do you like to read? Do you want to know what our staff is currently reading? Do you want to learn more about all things Indigenous, social justice, anti-racism, MMIP, history, current events, fiction, children’s and young adult, etc AND want to know what we recommend?
Even better, do you want your book purchases to support IIA? Browse our Bookshop.org Affiliate storefront and a portion of your purchase will go directly to us!